IMS Playlists

IMS Playlists are a vital part of introducing listeners to a world of brilliant music. Our playlists are largely independent artists, though we often include mainstream artists. We present mixed playlists of independent and mainstream artists in order to draw in fans of major artists and to introduce them to some awesome artists that they would almost certainly not have discovered. It also makes for playlists that you can’t find anywhere else. Unexpected, original, unique, yet awesome playlists!

More than anything else we appreciate your support in our mission to take independent music to the masses. Please follow/like our social media accounts, playlist accounts and the playlists themselves. Help us to spread the word about individual artists as well. If you comment on a specific song, please tell them where you found them and on what playlist.

Artists Submit A Song To Be Considered

If you are an artist and would like IMS to consider a song for our playlists, then please submit a link to the specific song. We cannot guarantee that your song will be included, but we will give your song a listen. We cannot always give an explanation for why we have not selected a specific song at that time. We do however provide an article explaining what we need from a submission and common reasons why songs are not selected.


Below is one of our YouTube playlists. Visit the Independent Music Stage channel on YouTube to see more and please like, comment and share our playlists as well as any individual tracks you love!


Below are a selection of our SoundCloud playlists. Visit the Independent Music Stage page on SoundCloud to see more and please like, comment and share our playlist as well as any individual tracks you love!



We curate a bunch of playlists on Spotify too. Unfortunately their audio player isn’t great on sites other than their own. Please visit the Independent Music Stage Spotify page and, as ever, follow our accounts and like, and share any playlists you like!